
Writopia Lab is a national community of young writers, ages 8-18. Founded in New York City in 2007, Writopia Lab has now spread to Greater New York, Greater Washington, and Los Angeles. Visit us at writopialab.org

What Writopia does: creative writing workshops
Writopia Lab is a national non-profit organization that runs fun and highly productive creative writing workshops for kids and teens. The workshop at NEST+m will enroll a maximum of ten students and will be led by a published, award-winning writer and assistant teacher trained in Writopia’s workshop method. Students will be encouraged to complete at least one well-developed, polished piece over the course of the workshop.

Will creative writing help my child succeed in school?
While the focus of the creative writing workshop is on story, kids will explore structure and grammar as they revise their work, and the young writers will ultimately organize their thoughts into coherent, fluid narratives. Most of Writopia’s students report feeling more relaxed and prepared for standardized tests because of their various workshop experiences.

Writopia’s students win recognition…
Writopia’s students win more Scholastic Awards than any other group of students in the nation. Over the last six years, Writopia students have received 730 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and more than 50 Scholastic National Gold Medals, including the nation’s top 2012 and 2013 Scholastic Awards Scholarships, the Gold Medal Portfolio Awards. Writopia students have also been chosen as the 2013 Young Arts Scholar, and have won the 2012 and 2013 NYC Literary Honors from New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Why write?
“Writing used to be a solitary activity. But now I am beginning to believe that writing is best done in a community, surrounded by fellow wordsmiths who can comment on your pieces, provide inspiration, gently offer suggestions, and encourage you to forge ahead… In my first two weeks at Writopia Lab, I have already gained more tools and produced more complete work than I have in the years I spent struggling alone.”
         —Emma K., 15, Writopia writer

“My teenage son was surprised that I signed him up for something like this. But he has been unbelievably excited about it since it began and has been working on his piece at home. The staff at Writopia had said that even kids who are reluctant really end up loving it, and they didn’t steer me wrong!”
         —Hillary K., Writopia parent

“The one change that most needs to happen to make American education realize its potential as an engine of opportunity and economic growth is not better math and science instruction but a writing revolution. More out-of-school time should also be used to encourage writing, and specifically, writing workshops for the students.”
—National Commission on Writing in America’s Schools and Colleges, The College Board

“Writopia Lab is the number one writing program in the city.”
Alex Tapnio, Senior Manager of National Programs, Scholastic Art & Writing Awards